Translating Romanian Folk Songs

chris (2008-03-11 22:40:46)
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Having spent some time analysing 'Canarul' (embedded), by Pasarea Colibri (see Follow-up to 'canary'), I decided to have a go at one more Song - this time the somewhat sinister 'Mielul' (by the same artist).

So below is the original text, with my translations alongside. I need to re-visit this at some point and fix the Romanian transcript to include accents where required. There are also a couple of areas where synonyms are used and where I am possibly not identifying the subtleties between them.
This undoubtedly will cause misinterpretation of the between-the-lines messages which the lyricist tries to convey. One possible example of that is the use of the word 'domnii', when the lamb is saying 'And you people, Mister'. When spoken, the word 'domnii' would sound very much like 'domni', which also means 'to rule' (in the infinitive). Is this an intended ambiguity? I suspect in this case it isn't, simply because it would be the wrong part of speech. However are there others which I should pick up on and somehow convey in the translation?

Another example are the uses of 'to hear' and 'to listen to' in the 4th and 5th verses. I should clarify in each case which would be the correct translation. Incidentally, I have grouped these lines of the song into logical stanzas/verses purely for presentation purposes. There is nothing in the song itself to suggest that it should be arranged over multiple verses.

By now you have probably played and listened to (or heard) the embed. I would recommend playing it again and following with the lyrics below. It's fun.

Un' te duci tu, mielule?	Where are you going, little lamb?
Un' te duci tu, mielule?	Where are you going, little lamb?
La pasune, domnule.		To the pasture, Mister.
La pasune, domnule.		To the pasture, Mister.

Ce sa faci tu, mielule?		What will you do there, little lamb?
Ce sa faci tu, mielule?		What will you do there, little lamb?
Sa pasc iarba, domnule.		I will graze on the grass, Mister.
Sa pasc iarba, domnule.		I will graze on the grass, Mister.

Cin' te mana, mielule?		Who will guide you, little lamb?
Cin' te mana, mielule?		Who will guide you, little lamb?
Ciobanasul, domnule.		The shepherd, Mister.
Ciobanasul, domnule.		The shepherd, Mister

Ce asculti tu, mielule?		What will you listen to, little lamb?
Ce asculti tu, mielule?		What will you listen to, little lamb?
Fluierasul domnule.		The flute, Mister.
Fluierasul domnule.		The flute, Mister.

Ce se-aude , mielule?		What will you listen to, little lamb?
Ce auzi tu, mielule?		What will you hear, little lamb?
Coasa-n iarba, domnule.		The scythe in the grass, Mister.
Coasa-n iarba, domnule.		The scythe in the grass, Mister.

Plangi de frica, mielule?	Do you cry with fear, little lamb?
Plangi de frica, mielule?	Do you cry with fear, little lamb?
Nu plang ,nu plang, domnule	I don't cry. I don't cry, Mister
Eu n-am lacrimi, domnule	I don't have tears, Mister.
Am cornite, domnule.		I have horns, Mister.
Am cornite, domnule.		I have horns, Mister.

Nu plangi, Nu plangi, mielule?	You don't cry, you don't cry little lamb?
Nu plang, Nu plang, domnule	I don't cry, I don't cry, Mister.
Plang ciobanii, domnule		The shepherd cries, Mister
Latra cainii, domnule.		He yelps with sadness, Mister

Cin' te taie, mielule?		Who will butcher you, little lamb?
Cin' te taie, mielule?		Who will butcher you, little lamb?
Macelarul, domnule.		The butcher, Mister.
Macelarul, domnule.		The butcher, Mister.

Cin' te manca, mielule?		Who will eat you, little lamb?
Cin' te manca, mielule?		Who will eat you, little lamb?
Dumneavoastra, domnule		You will, Mister
Dumneavoastra, domnule		You will, Mister

Cine moare, mielule?		Who will die, little lamb?
Cine moare, mielule?		Who will die, little lamb?
Si noi mieii, domnule		And we lambs, Mister
Si voi domnii , domnule		And you people, Mister

Noi cu totii, domnule.		You will die with us, Mister.
Noi cu totii, domnule.		You will die with us, Mister.
Ce ramane, mielule?		What will remain, little lamb?
Ce ramane, mïelule?		What will remain, little lamb?

Acest cantec, domnule.		This song, Mister.
Acest cantec, domnule.		This song, Mister.
